Unauthorized Blogs

Talking about what no one wants to talk about.

VIDEO: Ultimate Church Fight Champ


This is hilarious (and sad). FULL POINT!

Just Give.


It has been said that the most sensitive nerve in the body is the one connected to your wallet.

>Giving away your hard-earned money isn’t easy, but it is necessary.

Now, I’m not talking about taxes. That’s not benevolence or charity since it is compulsory. But there is something that happens to your heart when you make generosity a regular personal principle and choice.

As I have said, envy is at the root of greed. Giving drives envy away. And it guards against greed taking root. Something very positive comes from this discipline.

>It’s as if we acknowledge everything we have comes from God and offer a portion of it back to Him as a sacrifice.

You see, sacrifice is at the core of love. Giving is a healthy sacrifice. It stretches, protects, and keeps your heart in check. Sure, the Bible says God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7), but He’ll take a grouchy one too.

>Giving a portion of your money away is the only way to learn to be generous. The Bible is also clear when it states, “The love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10) Believer in God or not, this truth is inarguable.

As important and profound is what is not stated in the verse:

The love of giving is at the root of all kinds of good. 


VIDEO: Monster Jam Highlights [WARNING! Cheesy Family Video]


A lot of people have the day off today so nothing serious around here. Just some highlights from taking our kids to Monster Jam this weekend. The funny part is that we told them we were taking them to “The Georgia State Flower Show”. The only bummer is, this wasn’t a dirt track. Those shows are BIG money. One day perhaps…


VIDEO: Public School FAIL


[Be sure to read the breaking UPDATE below after watching video]

Okay, so I thought I’d continue the theme from Monday in which I discussed homeschooling being made illegal. Here is a hilarious lunchtime man-on-the-street interview of public school students in one of America’s many high schools. It is also scary when you consider that: 1) we pay millions as tax payers for these results and 2) these kids will become adults and vote. For me, it also functions as a defacto PSA for private and charter schools and homeschooling.


I was contacted by a reader who sternly informed me:

I think the problem is not that the kids aren’t being taught, it’s just that you asked the wrong questions. Try some like these next time:

1. What should you do if you or your girlfriend become pregnant?

2. Where can you find free contraceptives?

3. Have you ever done drugs, or are you high right now?

4. Should each person/family work to provide for their own needs or

should the government take care of all of us?


Fill YOURSELF With Passion, Christian


I was listening to a song the other day that chorused with a prayer to God that went something like, “Fill us with passion for you…” On it went in this theme. It wasn’t a mellow worship song. It was screamed over chugga chugga guitar riffs.

It got me going and then it got me thinking.

>I realized that I, along with most other Christians, have been praying distanced prayers like this for years—even decades for me.

What do I mean?

I have a friend who is an insane Red Sox fan. And you know what? He doesn’t sit around asking for more passion for his team. His passion is something that he builds, and has built, over many years.

He reads scores and stats, listens to radio commentaries, watches all the games, talks about it with other fans, and even sports gear signaling his loyalty. He does this when they play well and when they lose. He does this when he feels good and when he’s laid up in bed. He follows through when his life is going well and when he is failing at something. He’s is a citizen of the Red Sox Nation and everyone knows it.

Want to be filled with passion for God?

>Then fill yourself with passion:

Read the Bible, read some commentaries, build bonds with other Christians, listen to teachings, attend church. And you’ve got to pursue this in good times and bad.

This is a mark of maturity. And it builds passion.


Homeschooling Made Illegal


Homeschooling is more common among people of faith more than any other demographic. Think what you want about it, but, to me, it comes down to a matter of personal choice and liberty. In other words, parents should be free to make the choice and free to pursue it. Besides, we have spent a fortune on public education over the last 40 years with little to no measurable improvements. The solution is not throwing more money at the problem. The solution is to do something different.

Among other reasons, this has lead to the proliferation of homeschooling. Homeschool kids on average score higher than public school kids–and even on par with charter and private school kids. Even with this evidence, here’s my question:

Could homeschooling ever be made illegal?

It has been in Sweden. There, it is extremely frowned upon. Unless there is a legitimate reason–like sickness or disability–it is not allowed. According to this article:

On January 26, Rabbi Alexander Namdar and his wife Leah, representatives of the worldwide Chassidic movement to Sweden for the past 21 years, were served at their home with a notice by the Gothenburg school authorities.

According to the notice, four of their children who currently study at an international online school must be delivered to a Swedish school by today (Wednesday). Failure to do so could result in a fine of 16000 crown – the equivalent of $2,400 — per week.

No longer are religious convictions (like wanting to give your children a Jewish education, as in this case) valid reasons for a family to homeschool in Sweden. And if you don’t like it, you can pay $2,400.00 a day! Wow.

So why would Swedish officials do this?

Well, because you parents just aren’t qualified or smart enough to educate and socialize your children in the ways of the world. You’re ignorant primitive doofs, of course. At least that’s how I read the situation. Do I need to mention that the Rabbi’s children test just fine? In fact, they test higher than most of their Swedish peers.

Sweden prides itself on tolerance and equality. It is considered a fundamental value of the nation. In practice, not so much. This is always where big centralized government leads. This is always where social engineering leads. Authoritarianism always squashes liberty, you know ‘for the good of the people.’ No matter how you slice it, when government grows liberty shrinks. Just something to think about. So my question is:

Could homeschooling ever be banned in the land of freedom and liberty–the USA?

I think so.



VIDEO: Pingu Meets The Thing


Okay, time to switch up a little. This video will only make sense if: 1) you have young children and they watch Pingu and 2) one of your favorite all-time sci-fi movies is John Carpenter’s The Thing. If you are part of that .001% of people this parody is pure GENIUS!


Christianity Isn’t And Never Will Be Cool


It’s a cold hard truth. There were many times in over the 25 years of my faith that I thought it wasn’t true. I dressed differently, talked differently, listened to the right music, and watched to right TV shows and movies (that way I could ‘fit in’ at work when everyone talked about the latest episodes etc.). I even got a tattoo.

I tried to emulate coolness. The problem is:

>Christianity isn’t and never will be cool. 

This Christian book is a prime example:

It’s painful to think that someone else who also called themselves a Christian wrote a book called Anybody Can Be Cool…But Awesome Takes Practice. This person even thought it was relevant and ‘cutting edge’. Let’s be clear, this book isn’t and never was cool or awesome. Seeing this just makes me feel nauseous (not cool or awesome).

But you know what?

It’s okay.

In the eyes of culture, it’s not trendy, cool, or displaying total awesomeness to stay married, do your job at work, get to work on time, be a father or mother to your kids, drive an old car to save money, or drive the speed limit.

Instead it’s ‘cool’ to quit school to tour in a band. It’s ‘cool’ to leave your family for a French model and ‘follow your heart’. It’s ‘awesome’ to quite your job in a frenzy and go paint landscapes–because it’s ‘your calling’ and all. You get the idea.

>But I don’t care about cool or awesome anymore.

I just want to try to honor God with life. That is all the awesomeness I need. I don’t need approval from culture or society. In the end, I just want it from my Heavenly Father. One day, I hope He will say, “Well done.”

That will be truly awesome. So I suppose I am practicing that kind of awesome. It’s lame. I know, but oh well. It’s the right thing to do.


PS-If you want to get a REALLY good laugh, read the reviews of this book at amazon.com by clicking here.

VIDEO: Warped Planned Parenthood Cartoon For Kids


Have you heard of Planned Parenthood? According to their own site, “For more than 90 years, Planned Parenthood has promoted a commonsense approach to women’s health and well-being, based on respect for each individual’s right to make informed, independent decisions about health, sex, and family planning.”

Sounds great, right? Well, if you read the news then you know they certainly have an agenda that is perhaps not so magnanimous. It’s important to know that our tax dollars go to this organization. That means your money goes to providing abortions–and also their messaging and marketing.

Below is quite an ‘interesting’ cartoon aimed at young people put together by Planned Parenthood. It appeared on their site up until 2005, and it is quite disturbing. Some would call this propaganda, which, after watching it, I can understand. It seeks to convey a positive message about Planned Parenthood via the cause of their superhero, Dionysus: The Superhero for Choice.

Some interesting points as you watch:

  • Remember, this is geared to young people (teens, tweens).
  • The superhero is named Dionysis–the god of the grape harvest, winemakingand wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy in Greek mythology.
  • Dionysis talks about the protection of free speech and then proceeds to murder the pro-life demonstrators (Yes, you read the correctly.)
  • She also drowns (to death) a creepy old man (because anyone telling kids about abstinence is, right?).
  • It is purportedly promoting choice, unless of course you choose traditional values. Then you deserve to die.
  • Conservative values are ‘misinformed’ by their very nature.
  • By the way, abstinence works every time it’s tried. Something this video misses.

VIDEO: Preacher Says F-U


This guy is hilarious. I could never get away with this.

Catholics Will Not Comply With New Healthcare Law


Today we intersect with current events. There is an interesting development with regard to Obamacare (the new national healthcare law coming into effect little by little over the next two years) and religion.

>Specifically, healthcare law mandates that employers provide coverage for their employees that incudes coverage for contraception and abortions. 

As you can imagine, some view this as a violation of religious conscience and, therefore, practice. As such, it is a violation of the First Amendment–you know, the whole separation of church and state. The government is supposed to be barred Constitutionally from dictating how we may worship, right?

The first to take a stand? Catholics. And we should stand with them.

While the requirement doesn’t apply to houses of worship, it will force Catholic colleges, hospitals and other Christian groups to provide these drugs despite their faith-based opposition to them.

So Catholic leaders began their stand this weekend. Catholic churches across America read a letter to congregants that perfectly summarized the church’s stance against the coming federal requirements. It is posted below. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

>We need to bring attention to this issue and stand with them as people of faith.

Here’s the letter:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I write to you concerning an alarming and serious matter that negatively impacts the Church in the United States directly, and that strikes at the fundamental right to religious liberty for all citizens of any faith. The federal government, which claims to be “of, by, and for the people,” has just been dealt a heavy blow to almost a quarter of those people — the Catholic population — and to the millions more who are served by the Catholic faithful.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that almost all employers,
including Catholic employers, will be forced to offer their employees’ health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception. Almost all health insurers will be forced to include those “services” in the health policies they write. And almost all individuals will be forced to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

In so ruling, the Obama Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty. And as a result, unless the rule is overturned, we Catholics will be compelled to either violate our consciences, or to drop health coverage for our employees (and suffer the penalties for doing so). The Obama Administration’s sole concession was to give our institutions one year to comply.

We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second class citizens. We are already joined by our brothers and sisters of all faiths and many others of good will in this important effort to regain our religious freedom. Our parents and grandparents did not come to these shores to help build America’s cities and towns, its infrastructure and institutions, its enterprise and culture,
only to have their posterity stripped of their God given rights. In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. I hope and trust she can count on this generation of Catholics to do the same. Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less.

And therefore, I would ask of you two things. First, as a community of faith we must commit ourselves to prayer and fasting that wisdom and justice may prevail, and religious liberty may be restored. Without God, we can do nothing; with God, nothing is impossible. Second, I would also recommend visiting www.usccb.org/conscience,to learn more about this severe assault on religious liberty, and how to contact Congress in support of legislation that would reverse the Obama Administration’s decision.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Alexander K. Sample
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample
Bishop of Marquette


VIDEO: Dark Lord Sith Preacher


Remember Benny Hinn? I always knew he was on the Dark Side of the Force.

Horror, Heroes, & Hell


This weekend I saw a dark comedy slasher flick and it got me thinking about Hell. (Incidentally, it was called Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and it was hilarious. I think it is destined to become a cult classic in line with the Army of Darkness. Be warned: It’s got plenty of blood and guts mixed in with the humor.)

Anyway, I started wondering why I like horror flicks so much. Am I I really messed up? Am I facing the very limits of gore and fear thereby proving my manhood–like some American Indian right of passage?

>Horror films are primal, with little pretense, and they quickly get to the point of illuminating true character.

I’m no expert, but I think every successful horror film has a singular purpose, and it’s not to be gross. The grossness simply helps accomplish the goal.

Any horror movie worth its weight in screams and gore uses the monster to reveal what’s truly lurking within. As the characters feel trapped and isolated with no apparent way out, the impending doom exposes their true qualities. Sometimes self-serving characters transform into sacrificing heroes. Or characters you like at first end up leaving everyone behind to save themselves. The monster without reveals the monster—or the savior—within.

That’s why I love them. The evil is easily identifiable.

>And I think the evil portrayed in horror movies perfectly matches what hell is to Christianity. The idea of hell reveals a lot about the Christian faith and those who believe in it.

It’s no secret that hell is probably the most uncomfortable aspect of the Christian faith. For many years I was content to ignore it and simply think, Everyone goes to heaven. When that stopped making sense—in light of the evident evil in this world—my conclusion evolved into this: Good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell. But that started to break down, too, as I realized that “good” is measured on a sliding scale, and everyone has a different standard. Some twisted minds even view obvious evil actions as good.

I realized I had to do some more investigating of this idea of hell, though I wondered what good could come from it. To say that I hate hell, and that I especially hate talking about it, is a huge understatement. But if I’m going to find the true value in the teachings and person of Jesus (and the Bible), I have to deal with this issue.

And so I did. It something we all need to do.


[Download the rest of my thoughts on Hell from my book for FREE right here]

VIDEO: Pentecostal Preaching With Sign Language


A lot people like this stuff. There’s something about Pentecostal preaching that makes me nervous–just being honest. Either way, the best part of this clip is the lady trying to do sign language in the bottom left of the screen. Get revived!

Mark Wahlberg Goes To Church Every Day


I’ve grown to like Mark Wahlberg as an actor. I think he’s doing a good job. Even a mediocre movie like Max Payne was fun to watch since he was in it. Now he has given more reason to like him.

In a recent interview on Piers Morgan Tonight he revelled several things:

“My faith has really allowed me to overcome a lot of things — and hard work. You know, nothing comes easy…especially when you‘ve got your back against the wall and you’ve got a lot going against you.”

“But I wanted to prove to people through my actions — not my words — that I was going to change and that I was going to make a positive impact on the community that I come from,” Wahlberg continued, as he delved into the activities he participates in to help those in need. ”I could not forget about where I came from and find myself in this position without helping and giving back.”

“If I don’t go to mass necessarily every day…I definitely go to church every day,” he said. “That’s how I start my day. I like to get in there for about 15 or 20 minutes — say my prayers.”

“I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother and uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me and a good follower to those that are serving God and doing the right thing.”

Good stuff. You can watch it here:

Be Careful Of Causes, Christian


We all have interests. Good ones. Bad ones. I’m talking about the good ones.

Eventually at least one interest in our lives will grow into a hobby. No worries there. In fact, everyone should have a hobby. It helps is decompress from the stress, strain, or mundane elements of our lives. We escape for a short spell and return to our responsibilities refreshed. It’s what happens next that must create the caution.

>Sometimes a passion evolves into a cause.

Causes can be good too. But as I’ve said, this can become a defacto religion—an idol. But it can be even worse. We can step into activism. Again, activism can be good. But this is where we need to be cautious.

>Although we may merely worship an idol (as mentioned), we fight for our cause as activists.

Fighting for something is tricky. There is always collateral damage. I mean, that’s partially the purpose, right? The ends justify the means after all. We create confusion and chaos in order to build our utopian vision from the remains. It’s the only way sometimes, we think. That’s what revolution is all about after all and Jesus was a revolutionary, right? No. Not exactly like that. That’s blind.

>When we blindly fight for something we have become extremists.

That’s when we’ve fallen over the edge. Extremism in any arena, even your faith, is a problem because we’ve lost all reason and drive away any accountability. This is always the evolution of a movement or a cause.

Be careful of causes because they can evolve into extremism.



VIDEO: Slayered In The Spirit


This is one of favorites. It’s a Slayer and Pentecostal church mash-up…or should I say MOSH-UP! HA!

Wrong Is Fun!


Earlier this week I posted Rules, Rules, Rules in which I discussed rules, Christianity, and the Bible. So let’s assume we’ve gone to the Bible and looked through all the Christian rules we’ve learned or been told, but we’re still not sure of what to do. I’ve got an idea.

I’ve been pretty chunky most of my life. Each time I’ve been motivated to lose some weight, the solution has been the same:

>If it tastes good BEWARE.

The problem is that I don’t like the taste of healthy food. I don’t like broccoli or tofu or brussel sprouts. I like nachos slathered in sour cream and cheese with a tall glass of cold Coke. I like giant chocolate milkshakes. Not to mention ketchup making most things better, along with a long list of condiments.

Yes, I’m talking about sin. It’s an ugly word. It’s not that God is like some Supreme Cosmic Judge wanting to police and then judge everything you do.

>It’s that sin is destructive.

You and I need to know we are wonderful and terrible all at the same time. There is a healing a helping Dr. Jekyll in us. But there is also a destructive and, well, devilish Mr. Hyde lurking.

I’m not trying to your hurt your feelings. I’m not trying to crush your self-esteem. I’m not trying to dirty your self-image. You’re still a beautiful flower about to bloom and a delicate butterfly ready to flutter.

You just need to know your potential—both good and bad. You need to know your appetite—for excellence and evil.

>So if it feels good: BEWARE.

Wrong is fun. Wrong isn’t good. Wrong is sin. Sin is wrong.

Have a great day!


Rules, Rules, Rules


I’ve concluded there are two types of people in this world. There are the goody-two-shoes who like rules and take great pride in creating and obeying them. And there are the other people. The ones who like to rebel. The ones who never saw a rule, standard, or principle they didn’t salivate to defy. They like breaking rules.

I hate rules. Like most people, I decide when I want to follow them. I love that autonomy. Most of us do.

>We’re not going to let anyone or anything tell us what to do or how to do it.

I tend to push against rules because I don’t always see their benefits in the moment. But even if I could, it probably wouldn’t matter. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it.

And if just one rule gets me edgy, what about dozens?

In my faith, it didn’t take long before I got the impression Christianity was filled with rules.

>Jesus I found compelling, but I started to wonder why someone would ever want to be a Christian with all those rules that seemed to go with the territory.

Rules tend to make me think God doesn’t want me to have any fun. Like he is some sour old man yelling at the neighborhood kids, “Keep it down out there or else!” But we all want to have fun; it makes life worth living. If we can’t enjoy it, what’s the point to life?

It’s impossible to keep up with all the rules.

The solution?

I liked my fun, and rules bring an air of legalism that sap the life and vitality out of anything good. Legalism does that. Figure out which one Christians are making up. Don’t assume they are all in the Bible.

I can’t keep track of all the rules I’ve been told to keep over the years—like no smoking, drinking, cussing, premarital sex, clubbing, or dancing.

But wait, there’s more! If one decides to really get serious about following God, there’s another set of rules for the “truly religious”—like no listening to “secular” music (music that isn’t “Christian”), no watching R-rated movies, no dating, no tattoos, no body piercings.

As far as I can tell, some of these rules are meant to address character issues. They call into question the things that influence you, what you take in, and how it all affects who you are. They also call into question what you choose to do, which is seen as a representation of who you are.

>Determine to discover more about the rules.

So get a Bible and get to work. It’s the only way, as a rule of thumb.


[portions of this taken from here]

Paying Attention In Church FAIL


You know you’ve been there. Sometimes it’s unavoidable. 

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