Funny Stuff

VIDEO: The Weirdo Screaming Pastor


Happy Friday! I now present to you the screaming pastor. I don’t know what his problem is, but let’s enjoy his quirks together. Have a great weekend!

PS-These are the kinds of things that make Christians look like weirdos.

VIDEO: I Probably Shouldn’t Link This, But…


WARNING: The video below is hilarious, but it is littered with rated R language. 

Last week I linked a very civilized and precise video discussing the real issue of the debt ceiling–what it really means to us and our children. This week I am linking a very important video on the opposite extreme.

Below is a video by the comedian Felonious Munk that has been making some rounds. In it, he passionately breaks down the commonsense and emotional side of the debt ceiling issue that is on all our minds. It’s a word to President Obama and Congress. You really should watch it if you can take the language, yo.

Word to your mother.

I present Stop It B! from Felonious Munk…


Star Wars Show FAIL


Why Disney, why?

I May Have To Find A New Church


This post is of a very personal nature. No lesson or thought today. I simply need to tell this story, because the events of yesterday will stay with me for the rest of my life. So although this is long, I hope you’ll stay with me. I have a feeling you’ll want to.

Sometimes something happens that burns in your mind in such a way that you know it will stick to you forever. It’s sears into the wall of your memory and affects you. When the experience is fresh–like it still is for me right now–you’re not really sure if it is good or bad. That’s what church was like for me yesterday.

On any given Sunday, you will see my wife and I walking into the 9 o’clock service at North Point Community Church with our four boys. Since this is a church of thousands we are very strategic about where we park, sit, and the routes we take to pick up our four kids afterwards in order to navigate the crowds. We split up. We each take two kids. This Sunday it was my turn to handle the two youngest: Carson who is 4 and Ethan who is 4 months.

After service I picked up Ethan and was annoyed right away. Sure, it was amazing as the nursery volunteer handed him to me and he smiled right away when he saw me. Unfortunately, the joy of that little moment was muted by the embarrassment of calling him the wrong name, especially considering I did the same thing signing him in before service. There’s nothing like feeling like a bad Dad.

She handed him to me, then his car seat, and then his diaper bag. I was fumbling and wondering why he wasn’t sleeping. He should have been in the carrier out cold, per our instructions. So I asked, “Did he take a nap?” “Oh yes, a whole 30 minutes. And he has a clean diaper too. We just woke him up to change it.”

What? Why?

I appreciate the policy. When I ran a children’s ministry it was my policy too. I wanted to make sure all visitors knew how much we cared about their children, so we didn’t want any parent to pick up a child from our nursery with a butt load of poopy diaper. Here’s the thing, I’m on number four, so a sleeping baby in a poopy diaper is way better than an awake baby who should be sleeping but is awake with a clean diaper. Why? Because the baby being awake now would change the rest of the day–and not for the better. I know I’m a jerk–and I know it was wrong–but I was getting more annoyed.

I mustered up a hollow “thank you”, since deep down I know these volunteers are wonderful and generous for watching children on Sunday morning when they could be sleeping in. With Ethan in one had, I clumsily put the carrier on the stroller and dropped his bag in it. I decided to try to defuse my annoyance by carrying my smiling baby and doing the “proud papa” walk.

About halfway out of church I realize I totally forgot the other one. Carson was still in his classroom. My heart sank. I felt terrible. How could I get forget my child? I’ve never done that. Proud father no more.

I quickly placed Ethan in his carrier, turned the stroller around in the crowd (no easy feat, mind you), and picked up Carson from his class. About halfway out again, Carson looked up at me and let me know, “We forgot the picture I colored!” I said we’ll have to leave it this time. He responded, “But we have to go get it, Dad!” Not this time. He was mad. And I was further annoyed. Not at him. Just at the small amount of chaos going on.

With relief we broke free of the crowded hallway and reached the light of day. While waiting for the other half of my family next to the main entrance, I decided to strap Ethan back in his carrier hoping he’d fall back asleep. So I turned around and proceeded to straighten the straps, click the chest piece, fasten the bottom harness, straighten his arms and head, and pull the shade down. He was content. I was starting to relax again and took a breath.

All the while, people were walking out of the church laughing. I barely noticed. What do I care? Except one lady peaked my attention. She was crazy with belly laughs walking all the way down the walkway to the parking lot. I looked to my right down the sidewalk wondering what everyone was laughing at. That’s when I turned to see what I was oblivious to a moment ago.

Carson had his pants and underwear down at his ankles and was in full peeing mode on the tree right in front of the church.

The horror. The embarrassment.

I was mortified. Hundreds of people were walking out seeing this, and many were likely first-timers. Plus, the church has visitors from around the world every Sunday–many who are leaders and pastors–trying to glean wisdom from how North Point does ministry. Perhaps this was not the best first impression for them to have.

I bolted to him with arms stretched out yelling, “What are you doing? You can’t pee there! Stop peeing! STOP PEEING!!!!” I pulled his pants up in midstream. I lectured him about “not peeing in front of church.” I saw my wife in the corner of my eye and abruptly blurted out, “He has to pee hurry up and take him to the bathroom!” She rushed inside with him.

While in the bathroom he let her know, “I don’t have to go, Mommy.” “What? Daddy said you need to go so keep trying.” He let her know, “I already went pee.” “What?” “I peed on the tree outside.” That’s when she become mortified with me.

In shock, we get it together and get in the car. Leaving the scene of the crime, I told everyone the story. As we all laughed hysterically, my 7-year-old let’s us all know, “Peeing is not the Big Idea!” You’d have to go to North Point to get how funny that was. You see, the team at North Point teaches the kids a main point every Sunday they call “The Big Idea.” And peeing is not the Big Idea, for sure.

So I got home and decided to put a blurb about it on my Facebook and Twitter status, of course. I shared: Caught my son PEEING on the tree right in front of CHURCH as everyone was coming out. Slightly embarrassing.

I got the cursory “likes” and such. And then I get the kicker toward the end of the day from an old friend down in Florida:

You’re not going to believe this, but my boss (our senior pastor) was visiting NP today from down here in West Palm and texted me a picture of a kid peeing on a tree after service. The text said, “Only in Atlanta”. How crazy is that!? Now to read that was your son is hilarious!


Funny? Yes. Embarrassing? You bet. Ironic? Unbelievably. This puts the whole ‘6 Degrees of Separation’ to shame–literally.

Believe it or not, I managed to get the picture forwarded to me. Here it is. It looks like I am helping him pee on the tree. Not so much. That’s me trying to stop the stream.

Lastly, in the evening Lisa asked Carson, “Why did you pee on the tree?” What did he say? “Because I had to go and I can’t go to the bathroom by myself.” In a strange way, it was so sweet. He had to go, so he looked around to see who could take him. He didn’t see his Mom or brothers, saw that I was busy with the baby, and decided to take matters into his own hands–literally.

Looking back I have to wonder why no one said anything to me for the minute or so Carson spent emptying his tank? Were they enjoying my shame? I suppose I am very glad no one from the church walked up and said, “Excuse me ‘sir’, but these trees are purely decorative and not meant to be used as proxy toilets for little boys,” or, “Sir, would you mind having your son use the restroom and not the tree in front of our church.” And I agree. Will I need to change the service we go to or look for another church? We won’t. But the thought did cross my mind since we’re in front of the church every Sunday at the same time and everyone will think I meant for it all to happen. Ugh.

The real irony in all this is that I just submitted a resume for a job at the church hoping to put my writing to work.

What are the chances?


VIDEO: Philosophy Gone Wild


Here is a philosophy major presenting her business idea to a room room full of venture capitalists. Watch, laugh, cry, and try not to shoot yourself.

VIDEO: Hilarious Atheist Hymn


VIDEO: Darth Vader Salsa


Did you know tomorrow is THE Rapture? No? Well, now you do. So while you are waiting for Armageddon and Judgment Day please enjoy this trombone playing and salsa dancing Darth Vader. Have a great weekend?

VIDEO: Risque Ad Targets Parents


So here is an ad that may make you uncomfortable and laugh at the same time. It is geared to parents so they will be careful about letting their kids surf the internet. I thought it would be an appropriate match to my post earlier this week called Andy Stanley, Bitches, and Whores. Have a great weekend!

Babysitter (60 seconds) from XXXchurch on Vimeo.

VIDEO: The Secret Of Kevin Bacon’s Success


I love this guy. Here is a little humor to get you to Baconday on Saturday morning. Have a great weekend!

Good Friday Bad Song


Good Friday is so serious (and for good reason). But why not go into the weekend with a smile? Have a good Friday, great Easter…and I dare to watch this whole thing:

VIDEO: Wayne’s World Reprise


Good morning! Tomorrow I’m going to talk about some serious stuff. But for Monday, let’s start with a laugh.

I know I’m showing my age here, but her is Dana Carvey and Mike Meyers reprising their roles as Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World on SNL It’s hilarious. Happy Monday!

VIDEO: Pole Dancing For Jesus?


Yesterday was a bit more serious with my post of Rob Bell Being Cold On Hell. Monday was uncomfortably funny with The Praise Brothers. Today is just uncomfortable.

Here is a little segment on a church that has what is described as “Pole Dancing for Jesus” classes. What else can I say? I report, you decide.

VIDEO: Get Ready To Hate Christians By Watching The Praise Brothers


Yes, I am a Christian. But I am not oblivious to the silly things Christians do. Take the “Praise Brothers”, for example. They are two middle-aged white guys from Kentucky who once had a public access show in which they ‘rap’ about Jesus. No, this is not a joke, but it is ridiculous.

So here there are for all the world to see. Anyone who can watch the whole things deserves an award.

Happy Monday Homey!

VIDEO: Groundhog Day “Friday” Mash-Up


It’s Monday, but are you familiar with the song “Friday” by Rebecca Black? It’s horrible. I warn you: if you listen to it you will be forced to sing it in your head all day. It’s just that kind of annoying. Some call this an earworm.

So get relief here. Watch the Groundhog Day spoof on the song.

Quote Of The Week From My Kid


If you bump me back to start again I’m gonna pound your face!”

-Last night this is what my 6-yr-old said to me as we were playing Sorry! on game night. Yes, I was a bit shocked. But he was laughing as he said it, so it was hard to take it serious. It was actually quite hilarious. Still, I had to let him know this isn’t exactly how you should talk to your parents, or anyone for that matter.

So did I bump him back to start? Let’s just say, my face doesn’t hurt.

VIDEO: I Don’t Even Know What To Say…P-P-Platypus Song


Here is a video…um…I don’t know. Happy Monday?

VIDEO: Hardcore LEGO Build


Good morning! I used to love LEGO’s growing up. Now my kids are getting into them. It’s great fun.

Here is an amazing LEGO build with combined stop-action animation. It’s amazing.

Happy Monday!

What To Do When Pastor Is A No Show At Church


There are a few reoccurring pastor’s jokes that are used in pulpits. They describe a story of someone wanting to sleep in on Sunday morning. The wife turns over and says something like, “But you’re the pastor! Get up and get to work!” I find these canned preacher jokes pretty…well, stupid. If you’ve ever heard one during, you can’t resist rolling your eyes. And rightly so.

Anyway, what do you do when that really happens?

That’s what happened to a congregation during a Christmas morning service, of all times! They were sitting waiting for church to start. And waiting. And waiting.

Finally, some lay-leaders in the church got up and saved the day. They read the story of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. The organ lady also picked up the slack and finished it out with some hymns. Hallelujah!

Eventually the pastor showed up after service in the Fellowship Hall. He was just in time for coffee and cookies.

So what happened to him?

He overslept. My suspicion is that he had a little too much to drink the night before. This was Sweden after all. Sorry, but I happen to know quite a bit about Swedes.

Yumpin Yiminy!


VIDEO: Finally A Way To Understand Woman!


So Mom & our new baby boy (Ethan) are doing well. C-sections are brutal on woman, but the babies come out beautiful.

Anyway, I am trying to get back in the saddle. So here is a funny video of the “Manslator”. It is a tool to help you understand what woman are really saying.

Happy Monday!

VIDEO: My Favorite Superbowl Ad From Darth Vader


So the Steelers lost. Boo! I guess that’s what happens when you give the ball away 4 times.

Anyway, here was a favorite ad. I love it! Happy Monday!

PS-My new son is coming Friday…

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