Funny Stuff

VIDEO: Star Trek Girl Song


Okay, I am spending some man-points today. Here is a completely annoying but somehow catchy and cute song called “Star Trek Girl”.

Sci-fi is my favorite genre so I had to post it. The only bad part is at the end she bashed the Enterprise series. Seriously! Everyone knows Voyager was the worst. These kids today have a lot to learn…

You know you want to watch some of it. Yes, it will be an earworm. But you WILL be singing it all day in your head.

Live long and prosper!

VIDEO: Forget about Ricky Gervais, Watch this Roast of Ronald Reagan


So there has been a lot of media attention given to Ricky Gervais over the last couple of weeks due to how he hosted the 2011 Golden Globes Awards. Some say it was more like a roast of many of the Hollywood elites. You can watch some of the clips here at your own risk (they are PG-13). As much as I love movies and television, sometimes I get a little sick of the Hollywood crowd. So I take some pleasure in these clips. They are quite hilarious.

Some say Ricky went too far. I say that’s just because we have become so politically correct today. Forget about Ricky, watch this roast of Ronald Reagan when he was governor of California. It’s frickin’ hilarious. And definitely goes too far.

Happy Monday!

VIDEO: Pee-Wee Herman Beat-up Anderson Cooper


Hope the weekend was good. It was my birthday yesterday. I get less excited about these the older I get. And, although I am not a huge sports guy, I was rooting for the Steelers. They won, so that was good. But the Patriots lost. That was bad. Oh well.

Anyway, with all the ridiculous media coverage all last week talking about the harsh “rhetoric” of conservative leaning folks, I saw this skit from SNL from the weekend. I took secret pleasure in watching Pee-Wee Herman smash Anderson Cooper. Nothing against him really, I just saw him as a metaphor for the mainstream media in general. It’s hilarious!

And by the way, all these people complaining about heated rhetoric should go to a ball game sometime. I suppose teams are filled with potential killers with the way people talk to the players at most sports games.

Enjoy and have a great week!

PS-There is a bad word in this skit. It is mostly SFW.

VIDEO: Some Snowmobile Stunt Ideas for Your Winter Wonderland


So I’m back in the saddle. Everyone in my family has been sick, but we’re all almost better. Anyway, it’s a new year with new challenges. As much of the world is unseasonably cold and snowy weather, here is an idea for some new things you might want to try this year. Here are some snowmobile tricks you might want to try in your winter wonderland–if you don’t mind flirting with DEATH.

Have a great Monday and New Year!

VIDEO: Michelle Obama and Weapons of Mass Consumption


Good morning. Hope your Christmas was awesome. We got 2 inches of snow here in Atlanta, which is quite a rarity. It’s been 100 years since it has snowed on Christmas. Usually (if we get snow), it’s not until February that anything like that happens.

Anyway, here’s a hilarious video of one of my best friends, Bill. It’s a new hobby for him. If you’ve read my book you know he is probably the funniest person I know.

Enjoy! And cut back on the calories, fatty.

My Mistake…This Might Be the Best Christmas Clip EVER!


The Best Christmas Video Clip EVER!


Well Merry Christmas to you and your family! I wish you all the best. You can click here to read this passage and read more of the story of Jesus–a portion of which is quoted in the clip below. We’ll talks soon…

10 Things I Hate About the Holiday Season


*Here’s a little tongue-in-cheek article I wrote to add some levity and focus to this time of year.

The holidays are upon us. I’ve been through enough of them now to know come January 1st I will have a list of things swimming around in my mind. And it’s not a “resolution” kind of list. It’s a “Where did all the fun that I was supposed to have go this holiday?” kind of list. It’s a “I have bunch of regrets mixed in with my fond memories” kind of list.

To preempt the regrets in order to create a reservoir of overwhelmingly positive memories, I have decided to make a list of all the things I hate about the holidays to bring out what is (or should be) most important to me. And I think we can all see ourselves somewhere in this list. So I hope it helps with your holiday celebrations whatever they may be—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Ramadan, or Festivus (for the rest of us). Plus, I hope it might add a little levity and bring some focus to this busy time. Sometimes it helps to have a sense of humor.

10. Decorating. I hate all the time it takes to decorate. Now, let me be clear, I love decorations and things being decorated. I just don’t like doing it! The untangling of lights, finding hooks for each ornament, finding the one bulb in a string of 50 that is keeping the whole string dead, and pretending like I am having so much fun for the kids sake is all very frustrating. A few years ago, we even resorted to having an artificial Christmas tree. As much as I hate it and vowed to NEVER sink to such a low, it’s so much better (and easier)— less mess, less money, no maintenance. I even keep it stored, fully assembled in the basement. So I literally have the tree up in ten minutes when it’s time to get started. We also light a pine tree scented candle so our visitors think it’s real. But the kids like all the hoopla and that’s enough for me. Plus, I do love putting the train around the tree. That’s pretty awesome.

9. Shopping. UGH! I’m not a good gift giver or receiver. My wife, Lisa, does the shopping for the gifts for the kids. That is VERY good! I do love that. Sure, we talk about what to get, but she does all the work in the end. The problem is, I always wait until the last minute when shopping for her. Yes, I know it’s a man-cliché. It’s just how it happens. Thank God stores are open Christmas Eve! For me, there is nothing worse than going to the mall during the holidays. You just can’t get everything on-line. Some people get recharged emotionally shopping at the mall (like my wife). I just get suicidal. I’m also not good at telling others what I want. That doesn’t make it easy for others to shop for me. It’s not that I don’t want stuff. I just hate telling people what I want. Plus, everything has a dollar value to me nowadays, so I think about how much we’re spending constantly. Besides, I like life simple. I like relaxing, going to the movies, and eating. It’s not like you can put a rib-eye in the stocking, right? Plus, the things I really do want are just too much money (a remodeled house, new truck, 1,000,000 copies of my book to be sold etc. are some things that come to mind).*Update: I just had someone email me their total after Christmas shopping. It was $666.66. They instantly thought of this and had to tell me. Hilarious!

8. Fighting. Don’t lie, we all have several snippy moments during the most wonderful time of the year. And yes, some of us even argue. We might even yell at the kids a little. It’s hard, stressful, and tense trying to have so much fun and make something so special. We want it all to be so perfect and that can set us off quite easily. Tempers flare during what is supposed to be a very satisfying and relaxing season with the family. You may also be tense from the traveling to visit family. Now throw all the other things on my list in and you have a recipe for disaster.

7. Fat. Not you, but me. We all gain a little around the holidays and it’s not usually character, patience, or anything useful like that. It’s weight. Overeat? That doesn’t mean anything to me this time of year. Full? What does that have to do with anything? Eating is a state-of-mind for me. You have to be disciplined and really apply yourself if you want to do it properly. Portion and rationing are the smart thing to do. But since when is smart fun when it comes to food? Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, honey-baked ham, rib-roast, sweet potatoes, apple pie. Yes please! Anyone hungry yet?

6. Montezuma’s Revenge. If you don’t get that reference, it doesn’t mean you won’t get it from eating so much food. Tums and Pepto-Bismal will help. That’s right, I said it. Fried this and saturated that starts to catch up. For me, there’s no way around it because I refuse to eat responsibly during the holidays. That just wouldn’t be any fun now would it! As a matter of fact, I am a handyman by day and I’ve even put Tums in the first-aid kit for just such an emergency.

5. Holiday Blues. I hate the fact that the holiday mindset doesn’t set in until it is all nearly over. I think if I could take off work from Halloween until News Years Day, it might get me in the right holiday mindset sooner and keep me there longer. Sounds good, right? You’d have time to get the stressful ‘to-do’ items done, relax, and know there is even enough time to recoup. But mostly we’re working and shopping right until the last minute, so the holiday feeling doesn’t set in because we haven’t been still or relaxed enough to ‘detox’ from the regular routine of life. I usually hit the ground running during holidays. What’s worse is, once I realize the relaxing euphoria has finally set in, it is followed by the thought that the holiday season will be over in a day or two.

4. Political Correctness. This is a relatively recent development. Over the past five or so years there have been some ridiculous things happening surrounding the holidays. From public school teachers being threatened with formal reprimands for saying Merry Christmas, to Christmas trees being removed from public grounds because they have a religious meaning. And if the trees aren’t removed, they are simply called ‘Holiday Trees’ in order to be more inclusive. The funny thing is, Christmas trees are actually a pagan practice that Christians adopted. That’s the problem with political correctness gone wild. You forget who you are and what it’s really about. So Happy Ramanahanakwanzmas? NO! Merry Christmas! I wish you all the best. But that’s how we role around here.

3. Spenders Remorse. In order for it to feel like a holiday, I spend freely. This is because in our everyday lives we have to be budget conscious. I hate the feeling like I am spending too much, but at the same time, I ignore it so it will still feel like a holiday. This only compounds the issue. We always go over budget. Not sure how not to do that one.

2. Santa. I don’t hate Santa, but hate the issue of Santa within our family. Why? Because most of us who’ve grown-up in America were told there’s Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, God, and Jesus. We teach kids they’re all real, but they’re not all real. Eventually our kids will be okay with Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy being cute little white lies, while accepting Jesus and God as completely legit—right? Not really. At least I don’t think so, and it’s something I talk about in my book 10 Things I Hate About Christianity: Working Through the Frustrations of Faith. This is something that my wife and I have spoken about in depth. Will we tell our kids about Santa? Will Santa be the one who gives them their gifts? It’s funny how many atheists(and some agnostics) have railed me over the years for teaching my kids about Jesus and God—something that can’t be proven. You know, they want to wait to introduce ideas of faith and religion when their kids are old enough to decide for themselves. Sounds so intellectual and enlightened, right? But these people have had no problem telling their kids about a fat guy sliding down the chimney with a sack full of gifts and eating the cookies and milk, his elves, flying reindeer, and somehow doing this at midnight in every home all around the world. What’s with that? Do I have a problem with the story of Santa? Not at all. We’re not Grinches. We tell our kids the story of the real Saint Nicholas. But we’ve decided that’s where it stops. Sorry Santa. No cookies for you at the Berggren home.

1. Forgetting. I suppose #2 really leads to this one. I don’t know what it is all about for you (the holidays, that is). But for me it’s supposed to be about the birth of Jesus— you know, the most influential person in history. I hate that all of the above stuff on my list tends to get in the way of what these times are supposed to be about. I have to tell myself more than once during the holidays, “It’s all about Jesus, stupid!” I don’t want to forget to remember what my priorities are supposed to be. Whatever you believe in, I hope you’ll add value to yourself and those around you by relaxing, spending time with loved ones, and celebrating. That’s the #1 thing. It’s what the holidays are supposed to be all about. And I love that.



VIDEO: My Son Hates Christmas


VIDEO: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer & Roxanne by the Police Mash-Up


Good Monday to you! Christmas is nearing so here is a hilarious mash-up between the song Roxanne (you don’t have to put on the red light) by the Police (one of my all-time favs) and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.


Can Erectile Dysfunction Lead To Church Dysfunction?


Over the 22 years of my Christian faith I have visited many churches and left most of them. That’s not to say I haven’t settled down at churches. I’m not a ‘hopper’. The shortest I’ve ever attended a church I considered my ‘home’ is two years, and the longest is 9 years. But I’ve always made it a priority to find a church home–a place where I attend regularly, volunteer, and give.

Although some church experiences I’ve had have been unpleasant (they include people, after all), I’ve never been kicked out of a church. Sure, I’ve been alienated, reprimanded, and even gossiped about, but never been kicked out.

That’s what happened to Libby Ashby. She appeared in an erectile dysfunction ad that ran late at night (click on that link if you want to watch it). Subsequently, she was kicked out of her church.

The ad is funny, plain and simple. Sure, it’s a little awkward to watch knowing what I do (the background and all). If I had not known that, I’d probably give a smile and forget about it because it’s silly and stupid.

What I can’t help but wonder is if the church leaders would have been as outraged if it had been a commercial for a casino? For plastic surgery? For smooth tasting cigarettes? Or something else like that?

As George Michael said, “Sex is natural and sex is good.” The ad seems to imply that the couple is married, which is the right Biblical context for sex. So what is so offensive about the ad then?

So is ad Libby wrong or is the church leadership wrong?

Personally, I think this is a case of CD (Church Dysfunction). HA!




Good morning! Here is a video that you will not believe when you watch it. Let me say that again: You will not believe what you are watching. Why? Because it’s all computer animation (CGI). None of it is real. Every. Single. Frame.

I have watched this several times and my mouth drops open every time. It is breath-taking.


VIDEO: Merry Metal Christmas


Hope Thanksgiving was good for you. Mine was…except for the food poisoning. Nothing like spending all this time and money going on a trip–and then getting sick. But that’s another story.

Anyway, it’s on to Christmas. Here is a unique light show somebody did to Slayer. It’s amazing.

Enjoy your Monday!

VIDEO: There’s Skateboarding…And Then There’s This Guy


I’ll be posting lite this week because of the holidays.

So here’s the most amazing skateboarder I have ever seen.

VIDEO: Evolution Of A Road Trip


Monday. You need a laugh. Last week I posted a hilarious family video one of my sons crying about finding out that my wife is having another boy (that makes 4). He wanted a sister.

This week I’m posting another funny family video. Ever notice how family road trips (and vacations) start out fun? But then there is that point where they start to turn….

Well here are some humorous highlights from a recent 2-day road trip we took.


VIDEO: Wile E. Coyote & Road Runner Reboot


Like many people my age, i grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons in the 70’s and 80’s. One of my favorites was Looney Toons. This included such characters as Bugs BunnyDaffy DuckPorky PigElmer FuddSylvesterTweetyMarvin the Martian,TazWile E. Coyote and Road RunnerFoghorn LeghornYosemite SamPepé Le Pew, and Speedy Gonzales.

Good stuff. The best, if you ask me.

Anyway, it’s a heavy week with the elections and all. So here is a fun little reboot of Wile E. Coyote & the Road Runner to brighten this Monday. It’s really good.




I used to Break Dance as a kid. I had the parachute pants and fluorescent colored shoe laces in my Adidas (Shell Top, mind you, because that’s what Run DMC wore). Mind you, this was the 80’s.

Anyway, I was never as good as this guy in the video. He must be the GREATES ever.

Happy Monday, homeys!

Church Illustration Gone Wrong


When I was getting my theology degree, one of the things I learned is that an illustration (in a sermon, for example) is like a window. It helps you see into the house (what you’re trying to communicate; getting your point across). But there is a limit. If you have a house of all windows, it’s like a greenhouse: The structure is not sound and cannot support itself. Your message gets lost and never reaches your audience.

Illustrations should help communicate the message within your content, but they cannot replace it. I suppose they are a lot like special effects in a movie. They help tell the story but they are not the story itself, at least not in a good movie. So the idea is to balance. Special effects should drive the story and illustrations drive the message.

Below is a church illustration gone amuck. It makes no sense and adds nothing. Don’t get me wrong, it is done very well. It is very high-budget and a lot of time was spent on it. But I think it distracts rather than adds. It’s a perfect example of an illustration gone bad–or, perhaps, taken too far. All it seems like is a bunch of Christians trying to be cool/hip/trendy/artsy–and it’s just is stupid. Maybe that’s harsh, but that’s what I really think.

Here it is. What do you think?

VIDEO: Is This Sesame Street Video Okay?


Last video I posted a great Sesame Street video by Grover for my Monday fun. I stumbled across another one that is not as great.

Below is a video that made me smile uncomfortably starting at :48 seconds. Please watch it. It made me a little uncomfortable and wondering if its appropriate?

Don’t worry, it’s a little funny. Happy Monday & Enjoy!

The Insane Clown Posse Are Evangelical Christians?


Insane Clown Posse

Have you heard of the Insane Clown Posse (ICP)? No? Yes? Either way, they are a rap group that have been going strong for the last 20 years (believe it or not). They mainly rap about how awesome they are, how tuff they are, smoking pot, and sex (but mainly the last two) and they call their fans Juggalos or Juggalettes.

I remember when they came on the scene. Their schtick was/is to wear clown make-up all the time. And while wearing that clown make-up they rap (very poorly, I might add). Me and my homies thought the blatant rip-off (and a bad one at that) of KISS mixed with horrible music wasn’t worth spending money on.

Oh, I did listen to a few songs in sick fascination (like staring at a three-legged dog). I have even been known to watch their video of the song Miracles several time (Warning: If you watch it their are plenty of explicit lyrics) because it is astonishingly bad. It’s like watching the first couple of weeks of American Idol–those are the best shows, if you ask me.

Anyway, guess what? They have recently come out as evangelical Christians. That’s right folks. The cussing, sex, smoking dope, and drinking they have rapped about has been part of a 20-year secret strategy to tell people about Jesus and God.

They released a song called Thy Unveiling revealing all this in which they say:

F*ck it, we got to tell.

All secrets will now be told

No more hidden messages

…Truth is we follow GOD!!!

We’ve always been behind him

The carnival is GOD

And may all juggalos find him

We’re not sorry if we tricked you.

So praise the Lord, right? All those songs about chopping people up and shooting women was somehow all secret Christian rock and rap? Nope. Not exactly. Sorry boys, it doesn’t work like that. Words matter. Actions matter.

I’m not saying God won’t accept ICP for who they are. I’m not saying that Jesus didn’t die to forgive even them of their sins. NOT ALL ALL, homeboys.

I’m just not buying it. I think ICP is getting older, feeling guilty for a bunch of things they’ve done, and are starting to get worried about their eternal destiny. And it’s very hard to admit that the last 20 years have been a waste. So they write some revisionist history. That’s a little easier. Plus, that way they don’t lose their fan-base and can still make a living wearing clown make-up and writing bad raps.

But here is my advice if you really believe (or once did): apologize for the past and move forward. You might lose some fans, but hey, truly following Jesus is like that. It’s hard, and never cool, and will alienate you from some people.

But that’s how we roll.

And maybe even then ICP will be in the unique position to write better music after becoming Christians. It’s rare. Mostly when someone like them (known artists and musicians) become Christians they start making bad Christian music and movies. But ICP can break that trend. Admittedly, it wouldn’t be hard, since their music is so bad.

Sorry guys–just trying to keep it real.

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