Quote of the week from my book. It’s from the chapter on Church:

“You’ve probably set foot in a church at some point in your life, be it Easter or Christmas, or a friend invited you. Afterward, one of two things happened: Something unexplainable appealed to you and you decided to go back; or, more likely, it didn’t pique your curiosity and you never returned.
    There was a reason the church you visited was like it was. Whether you realized it or not, that church fit into one of the following descriptions: traditional, contemporary, charismatic, Pentecostal, evangelical, postmodern, purpose-driven, seeker-sensitive, emergent, emerging, missional—there are more, but that’s enough for my purpose. The thing is, none of that probably mattered to you. You may not even have known all those existed, let alone what they meant.
    What probably did matter to you was whether you felt welcomed by the people there and could understand what the pastor or preacher or priest or bishop was saying. At least that’s how I felt, thinking back to churches I’ve visited over the years. Those were the reasons I either did or didn’t go back.”