The Air Force Academy in Colorado is about recognize its first Wiccan prayer circle. It is essentially a Stonehenge in the Rockies that will serve as an outdoor place of worship for the academy’s neo-pagans.

This is a battle that Wiccan cadets have been fighting for over a decade.

So what do I think?

Go for it. I don’t believe the same thing, but our Constitution protects the free exercise of religion. So long as the devotees are serious, I am supportive. So long as this isn’t another affront to faith, like (for example) the Flying Spaghetti Monster movement is meant to be, I think the Air Force is doing something just fine.

But I can’t help think of the awesome Spinal Tap song:

In ancient times…
Hundreds of years before the dawn of history
Lived a strange race of people… the Druids

No one knows who they were or what they were doing
But their legacy remains
Hewn into the living rock… Of Stonehenge