An unauthorized approach to Christianity is the theme of my blog. It is my effort to frame my faith in a way that is honest, helpful, and challenging for those that claim to be Christians, while peaking the curiosity of those that don’t. Often the issues covered here are easier to avoid, because they are sometimes polarizing and often politically incorrect–but they seem to be the things that people are always talking about behind closed doors (or I get asked about in interviews). So I seek to discuss them openly, and add a dash of humor whenever possible.

Although I have been a Christian for over 20 years, pursuing faith does not come natural to me. In fact, maintaining my devotion takes a lot of work. I did not grow up as a Christian and have never had a mentor. From faith to family to current events, I am always wrestling with whether my faith is affecting my worldview, or if my worldview is affecting my faith. Right or wrong, what I present is how arrive at these perspectives based on my experiences and understanding of my Christian faith at this stage of the game.

Also, I update the content as much as the events of my life afford me (day job, wife, 3 kids, radio interviews, writing my new book, mowing the lawn, fixing my leaky sink, etc.).

And if you have a chance, please check out my #1 book 10 Things I Hate About Christianity: Working Through the Frustrations of Faith featured on ABC News and described as “fascinating and rather risky.” Combined with the official 10 Things I Hate About Christianity Discussion Guide it is the premiere tool for small groups, college classes, reading clubs, or Bible studies looking to talk about something out-of-the-ordinary. Geared to help all types of people explore and work through the frustrations of faith, it is an excellent resource for the spiritually curious, new followers of Jesus, and seasoned Christians struggling with disillusionment.