Here is interesting article. In a country like Sweden there is a national church (the Church of Sweden). That means that the ministers of this church actually get paid and pensioned by the state. Here in America, we believe in the separation of church and state. But many other countries don’t.

What’s strange, is that Sweden is progressive in so many ways. This is really a hold-over from the past, when religion was literally part of the governing process and structure. Be it a monarchy or theocracy, government was intertwined with religion. 
As much as many people in the USA complain and protest things like a prayer at a High School graduation ceremony, or crosses on grave sites at national cemeteries, this isn’t actually a breach of separation of church and state. The Constitution provides for the freedom of religion, not the freedom from religion. So these examples should really be the choice and reflection of the local community.
Now back to the story…
In Sweden, a pastor of the national Church of Sweden performed a funeral for a person who was not a member of the church. A Church of Sweden pastor is, according to existing regulations,
permitted to perform the funeral service of a non-member, but
permission needs to granted by the local parish and the estate of the
deceased must cover the expenses. Now the situation is being investigated. 
It is strange from the outside. It begs the question, why does this church exist if it puts such ridiculous restrictions of the whole “love your neighbor” principle Jesus emphasized and modeled? 
Just wanted to bring this to your attention.