I saw Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I was Jonesin’ for Jones, but I was worried. Of recent, several movies have been made that I grew up with (Rocky, Rambo, Alien, Superman, Star Wars). Certainly, I love the idea, but there is always the thought that they may ruin it. Like Rocky 5, Alien 3, Alien 4, Superman 4. Ever see them? They really take away from the power and mythology of those stories, if you ask me.

So I was very worried. Indiana Jones is one of the most amazing characters in movie-making. The first three movies in the series are unparalleled stories. They embody the magic that is movie-making in every sense of the phrase. He is a beloved character that embedded deep in all that is Americana.

Well, I liked the movie. It was well worth the price of admission to see it in the theater. And I must not be alone as it has grossed over 300 million worldwide already. I think it was my least favorite of the four movies, but it was still good. Why?

There were parts of the story that reached beyond  the action-adventure genre, which I believe Indiana Jones has helped to define, and touched on sci-fi. I had a problem with that. To me, that’s just not Jones. Apparently, this element of the story was what Ford, Spielberg, and Lucas have been going back-and-forth over for the last five years.

But Harrison Ford looked amazing for his age. He was Indy all the way. Funny, clumsy, and tough all at the same time. They also totally set it up for more movies to be made, hinting at Shia LaBeouf taking the mantle.

Go see it. It’s a fun adventure.