I’ve been addicted to the Celebrity Apprentice as of late. It also helps that there is absolutely nothing on Sunday nights when the kids go to bed. Still, we didn’t want to keep watching it, but something keeps us coming back for more. You know what it is?

Jesse James.

I used to watch his shows Monster Garage and West Coast Choppers. Now, it seems like something is different about him when I watch. Week after week, he is by far my favorite apprentice. He works hard, doesn’t complain, has good ideas, and adds to whatever task he is part of–whether he likes it or not. Last week was the best when he compassionately confronted Dennis Rodman about his drinking problem. All the while, choking up and sharing from his own experience. It was as if Jesse hated having to do it. Hated having to confront a friend. But did it anyway because he wanted the best for him and feared for what might happen. The funny thing is, my wife loves him too. That’s a different Jesse.

So why is he different?

I’ve seen this before. I say he has had a deeply spiritual experience or awakening. Something has changed him, rooted him, and given him an inner peace that wasn’t there before. I may be wrong, but that is my best guess.

Maybe Jesse James has met his maker. Maybe not. Either way, I’ll be watching next Sunday and cheering him on.

Who knows? Maybe I should send him a copy of my book…