One thing we have started to deal with in our home is lies. Our boys are learning how to be misleading. I know it’s part of parenting, but I don’t like it. We are vigilant to tell them to always tell the truth because lies always hurt someone.

That is, unless they become politicians.

There are some current lies that really bother me. It’s as if our elected leaders deceive us on purpose because they think we are too stupid to understand what’s best for us. We’re not kids anymore. And they are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. Here are some recent lies really baking my noodle:

*Obviously, the “stimulus” package (HR 1). That’s a blatant lie. It’s nothing more than a spending appropriation bill to buy votes. There’s hardly anything in it that will actually stimulate the economy in the long term. And several studies have come out to back that up. Not to mention there are all kinds of extremist agendas hidden in this bill. A very dirty trick if you ask me.

*Friday night President Obama did a combative press conference in which he actually said something to the affect of tax cuts have been proven to be a failed theory in stimulating the economy. What?! I think that is a lie. Past presidents prove this easily. Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush come to mind.

*The Employee Free Choice Act is a bill going through review right now. It’s also a lie. It does not make employees free to choose anything. What it does is eliminate the secret ballot for employees when they vote whether or not to unionize at their job place. This means they can be bullied, intimidated, and threatened by those who want to unionize. That’s not freedom. These are gestapo tactics. The ability to protect and keep your vote secret is one of the greatest things about choice.

So please, please, please tell the truth. It’s all we have. It’s what makes us civilized and good. Lies always hurt people in the end.