I’m voting today. I’m going to brave the lines and bring a book to pass the time. And I’m glad I can vote. Taxation without representation is a travesty. But what about representation without taxation?

Yes, I believe that everyone should have the right to vote. I just wish some people wouldn’t vote. And I HATE that they do.

For example, if you’ll watch THIS VIDEO you’ll understand what I mean.

Did you know that 40% of Americans don’t even pay income taxes? And after tax credits and other government programs etc., they end up paying no taxes at all!

I am starting to be bothered by people who have no ownership or investment in our government and community (i.e. pay no taxes) but decide policy that will affect it (and me and my family in BIG ways). I know that sounds jerky, but it’s how I feel.

I work very hard. My body is sore all the time from working hard. I don’t mind being generous and helping those in need. In fact, we give just under 15% of our income to non-profit causes that we feel are valuable and benefit the community/world. Plus, my wife and I volunteer our free-time (and take away from family time) to support said causes. We don’t have a lot of money, but we feel being generous is an important virtue.

But being forced to give is not generosity. It is obligation. That’s not true giving.

I just want the government to stay out of my life (and wallet) and let me provide for my family as well as I see fit. And let us decide where we want to put and donate our money. I don’t like the government using police strength and force to basically steal my money and do with it as it pleases with no regard for accountability or responsibility. I can’t run my family like that. It would self-destruct and bankrupt us, both financially and morally. So why does the government operate like this?

I’m ready to get on another Mayflower and sail away somewhere to escape the heavy oppressive hand of big government to be truly free. But where can we go today? Unfortunately, there is no where else. If America doesn’t stay truly free, there will be no home for freedom in the world. There will be no place for free people to actually be free.

So maybe, just maybe, some people should sleep in and not vote.