10. Kids who collected donations for charity all on their own got reported to police by charity organizer because they weren’t officially endorsed by the charity. A good life-lesson for these little girls…

9. Did you know about reports that former presidential hopeful (and possible VP candidate) John Edwards was cheating on his ailing wife and even had a love-child while he was campaigning? Of course not because the media isn’t covering it. Go integrity!

8. Surgery patients complain about vultures that perch outside hospital window. Picky, picky.

7. Former NASA astronaut said aliens are real and he’s seen them. No word yet on whether he is trying to promote the X-Files movie release today.

6. Man blows up apartment spraying for bugs. That’s one way to do it!

5. Former global warming big-whig scientist says the theories are flawed because they are based on models and formulas that can’t be proven. Denying heretic!

4. Is Obama the second-coming we’ve all been waiting for? Maybe…

3. Don’t tailgate when you’re transporting $25K worth of drugs. You might get pulled over for reckless driving and get caught.

2. LA is considering a 1-year ban on fast-food restaurants because the people are too stupid to eat healthy. Do you like super-sized government?

1. Japanese to start giving tuna acupuncture to make it taste better. Stand up for fish rights! Stop the oppression.