Here’s my quote for the week. It’s from Chapter 3 of my book on the Bible:

“I started to wonder if the Bible was nothing more than the tool of rich and powerful white guys in the past that refined it to fit their personal agendas (you know, to suppress other ethnic groups and women) and maintain their status quo.
    Or was it just the record and musings of a bunch of beatniks smoking dope and writing their hallucinations down? That’s what some people say about the Bible, and it’s hard not to believe it when you’re having your own doubts. There seems to be so much you have to overlook in order to believe it. I hate that I can’t figure it all out.
    In more optimistic moments, I’ve tried sharing some of the truths I’ve learned from the Bible, but this seems to highlight the problem even more. There’s an awkward tension, as if I’m trying to explain the plot of some obscure cult classic movie like Blade Runner: “No really, Harrison Ford is also a Replicant! He’s not even human, but you have to see the director’s cut to totally get it.” (That’s not true. The director’s cut is even more confusing.)”