I want to look at this day a little different than most. I apologize in advance for being so serious.

Today is Memorial Day. We have many things to thank our many servicemen (and women) over the generations for. They have established and maintained the many freedoms and benefits we have in America. But at this rate, these freedoms and benefits will be on the decline.


Last week I read an article that broke-down the level of debt our nation currently has. It included the day-to-day costs as well as future promises the federal government has recently taken on (maintenance, legacy, infrastructure, defense, aide and relief, social program  costs, etc).

There were basically 2 points that terrified me the most. They are like the beast in a horror movie taunting my sleep cycles:

1. As a nation, we are borrowing almost 50 cents for every dollar our economy produces.

2. In 10 years we will be paying nearly 1 trillion dollars a year in interest alone (nothing to the principal, mind you).

This projection does not yet include all the added changes and costs our leaders are currently discussing (health care, environmental, and many more etc).

What does this mean?

It doesn’t take a genius to understand this is not sustainable. Although, it does take a genius to convince the citizens that this is sustainable.

It will break the backs of our economy and the citizens in the form of tax-rates, regulation, and fees that we cannot survive. Something has to change. Something will change.

Let’s be clear, things will ‘reset’ one way or the other. What will that reset yield? More freedom or less?

This is an oncoming apocalypse and it has nothing to do with bowls, trumpets, and seal as described in the Book of Revelation. It is an apocalypse of arrogance and stupidity combined.

At this rate, the end is near.

Happy Memorial Day.