So I’m eating breakfast right now in the hotel I’m staying at (getting ready to go to my tv interview) and Fox News is on in the dining room. When, all of a sudden, the guy next to me says real loud and noticeable, “We should put all those hosts out on a barge and sink it.”


How he said it was so natural and calm. And he was wrong.

The answer is not to silence voices you disagree with. I say the more voices out there the better. That’s the only way for the truth to prevail. For example, as much as I may dislike a nut like Keith Olbermann (and I am in NO WAY comparing the Fox morning show to him), I don’t want to silence him. I’m just trying to make the point that it’s good for people to hear these voices so they can decide for themselves. Competition and information is good.

First Amendment Baby!