Posts tagged Easter

Easter Eggs Renamed Easter Spheres Because Of Religious Implications


What do you see in the picture? A basket full of Easter eggs? Nope.

Call them Spring Spheres-or else!

That’s what happened to 16-yr-old Jessica who volunteering in a third grade class in her local public school. At the end of the week of her service project she decided she wanted to bring some treats in for the kids. This article reports:

“At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but I was kind of unsure how the teacher would feel about that,” Jessica said.

“I went to the teacher to get her approval and she wanted to ask the administration to see if it was okay,” Jessica explained. “She said that I could do it as long as I called this treat ‘spring spheres.’ I couldn’t call them Easter eggs.”

This is quite ridiculous. Is this what our civilization has come to? Besides, that teacher is clearly an idiot of an educator. Eggs are not spheres. They are ovoids. Get it right!

They should be called Spring Ovoids then. Nice ring, huh? Let me tell you something else, besides a principled stance against such stupid political correctness, I would never bring my kids to a Spring Ovoid Hunt. It just sounds dirty.


Town Renames Easter Because Of Religious Implications


Spring Egg Hunt. Nice ring, huh? NO! Here is a news segment of a town that has taken the ‘Easter’ of its annual egg hunt? Because it is a city sponsored event and officials think there should be a “separation of church and state.” Watch for yourself and roll you eyes with me at the lunacy.

Post-Easter Resurrection Rage


Here is an interesting article on the resurrection of Jesus. It also includes some interesting, and rather passionate, comments by readers. I wanted to post it for other to check out.

Good Monday to you!

Bad Friday, Good Quote


It always made me curious that this day got the name Good Friday. It’s the day that followers of Jesus Christ celebrate his crucifixion (it even feels strange to write ‘celebrate’ next to crucifixion). Perhaps it should have the name Bad Friday, or something similar (but more creative).

Of course, Good Friday is one stop in a series of necessary events leading up to Easter Sunday. And I don’t mean egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. Here’s how Jesus described it:

“…The Son of Man will be turned over to the leading priests and the teachers of the law, and they will say that he must die. They will give the Son of Man to the non-Jewish people to laugh at him
and beat him with whips and crucify him. But on the third day, he will
be raised to life again.”
(Matthew 20:18-19)

There’s the celebration. That’s a good Sunday, for sure.

Whatever you believe, have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Merry Easter!


I wanted to wish everyone many Easter blessings this weekend. Even though we “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation” most people in America will be celebrating this holiday is some form or fashion. Not to mention most Americans celebrate Christmas and are happy to take the time off and get paid for it. And most Americans will also do the same with Thanksgiving–a celebration originally started to give thanks to God. But we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, which I am fine with. I am not into theocracies. Can we at least agree that we are predominantly a nation of Christians, for the time being?

Anyway. Sorry for that rant. Back to Easter…

Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. It is said that he died on the cross and raised 3 days later, thereby conquering death. This solidified his claims to be one with God (and also divine, like God). The event was witnessed by the disciples and at least 500 other people. The Roman historian Josephus also records this event.

Happy Easter!

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