For most of you reading this, it will sound like a washed-up-never-was-been waxing on about the good-old-days. You’ve been warned!

Back in the first half of the 90’s I used to be in a band called Strongarm (you can listen to some songs here, watch a video here, see tattoos inspired by the band here, or even read how it is the reason this couple got married here.

Anyway, this week I stumbled upon a list compiled by (a BIG heavy metal music site owned by AOL Inc.). The article starts with:

“Noisecreep has compiled a list of 10 bands from the Christian side of the metal world that everyone should check out.”

The range runs from bands like Stryper to Zao (one of my favorites). It’s quite a blend. You may not like (or even know) the bands, but they are all good in their own right–something about them stands out.

And smack dab in the middle coming in at number five is…Strongarm! The article goes on to say:

“While they weren’t exactly head-bangers, Strongarm’s inventive yet always vicious take on hardcore had metal in its DNA. They were only around for a handful of years (1993-1998) and made just two full-length albums, but their influence on the current Christian metal landscape is irrefutable. Strongarm’s chaotic guitar outbursts aren’t far removed from a band like Burn and the late, great Deadguy. A lot of the bands currently rocking out on the Tooth & Nail label learned a lot about their craft from this Florida wrecking crew…”

Wow! That’s amazing. I can’t even believe it. More importantly, Strongarm was my first experience in pursuing a passion.

I sang (often described as screaming) and wrote the lyrics. It is where I first began to try to write down the frustration and difficulty of trying to live in the intersection of real life, simple faith, and raw emotion (as described on the back of my book now).

So it is a great honor. It’s nice to now things you did as a stupid kid had a positive impact.

Thank you Noisecreep!

*You can read it all here.