More Christians than Communists in China?
This article reveals something surprising: there may be over 130 million Christians in China. Why is this surprising? Here are 3 reasons:
1. Before the revolt the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 there were few Christians in China. After than event, disenchanted citizens turned to Christianity.
2. It is illegal for Communists to have religious beliefs.
3. It is mostly illegal to meet in groups of more than 25.
Most Chinese Christians meet in “House Churches.” That is, they usually meet in apartments. Once the group grows beyond 25 attendees, they split in order to stay off the radar of government intervention. This same pattern and practice it quite similar to how the early church spread under Roman rule in the first century.
As much as the Communist government hates the spread of Christianity in China, it looks like it will have to face the fact that Christianity will begin to have more of a political impact.
This is amazing…
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Christianity thrives in persecution. It’s amazing. Persecution weeds the true followers from the fickle ones.
While in “East Asia” this summer I met a middle aged christian woman who has given her life away for Jesus. She lost her job and she lost respect from her friends and relatives. She’s the most joyful woman you’ll ever meet.
“For whoever would save his life will lose, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”