Couples praying in the bedroom

Here is something kind of funny. A book published by a prominent Roman Catholic Church group has issued a prayer for married couples to recite before getting it on. Is it:

*A prayer for women who are sick of their man’s sex-drive so he’ll stay away, complete with venial white-lie sins that God is okay with like, “Not tonight, honey. I have a headache.”?

*A prayer for men for more sex from their woman? Or more adventurous sex?

*A prayer for more seasoned people (old) asking that everything works tonight?
It is aimed at ‘purifying their intentions’ so that the act is not about selfishness or hedonism.
Here are some of the things it says. It asks God:
*To place within us love that truly gives, tenderness that truly
unites, self-offering that tells the truth and does not deceive,
forgiveness that truly receives, loving physical union that welcomes’.